In the year 3000 Time Force has been able to aprehend most of the
Criminals. Only Ransik remained. Time Force is able to aprehend
the mutant due to Alex Drake, Red Time Force Ranger. Ransik is
sentanced to life in chrogenic suspension. Alex becomes engaged
with Jen Scotts ( a fellow member of Time Force. Jen led her team (
Lucas, Katie, Trip, and the robot owl Circuit) to transport Ranisk to
his prsion. Nadiera ( Ransiks' Daughter) and Frax break Ransik out.
Ransik's forces took ove the cryo-prision and release Gluto. They
prepare to go to the past using a time device. Alex tried once
again to aprehend Ransik, only to be mortally wounded just as
Jen;s team arrives. Ransik esacpe to teh past. Alex's last request is
for Jen to go after Ransik. He gives her his morpher to hold and tells
her about other morphers in the time ship. Jen's team uses the time
to follow Ransik against Captian Logan's orders.
The Time Cops arrive in the year 2001, as Ransik';s forces did.
They were unable to activate the new morphers without
the Red Morpher being active. Only someone with Alex's DNA could use
it. Wes Colloins aids Jen against some cyclobots and looks very much
like Alex. Jen reluctantly recruits him to jion the team. He does
beleive her at first but comes throught in the end. The Time Force team
morphs to defeat Ransik's first major assualt. Jen strips Wess of
the morpher for beign to cocky, now that the others have their power
Wes is a rich kid being forced into following his father coporate
He desparaptly wants to prove hismelf to Jen. He is able to get a
ssecond cnahance and proves to Jen that he isc a valuable member of the
team. . Wes let the team stay in a clocktower his father owns. The team
decides to do hold jobs to earn money to survive in the present. Wes
stood up to his father and moved in with the TF Rangers.
Mr. Collins ( his dad) started to invest in Civic Defense. He creates
the Silver Guadians to protect clients in Silver Hills. One of the
Silver Gaurdians was Eric. An old clasemate and rival of Wes'. He
views Wes as haveing gotten all the breaks in life when he was given
nothing. He wantsto do better than Wes in life. At first Eric beleives
Wes gave up his future to do odd jobs. But it is soon revealed to
Eric and Mr Collins that Wes is a Ranger. Wes refuses to jion the
Silver Garidans. Eric is able to obtain the lost Quantum Morpher to
become the Quantum Ranger. He journeys back to t he past to aquire th
Q-Rex. Mr Collins makes him the leade rof the SIlver Gaurdians.
Ransik took a serum for a disease he contracted from a mutant name
Venomark. He needsto take the antedote periodically. Frax had been
working against Ransik secertly and is revealed to be Dr Ferricks. The
doctor that gave Ransik the serum, only to be betrayed by him. Due to
the injruies inflciting upon him, Ferrics rebuilt hismelf as the robot
fFrax. Frax breaks away from Ransik compeletly and destorys his serum.
Mr Collins had copies of th serum, made to fioght an epedemic of
diesease and refuses to give them to Wes ( The TF rangers know it
altrer the future). Ransik take the serum and leaves Collins severly
wounded. Alex returenss showing that he suvivied hsi near death
experiance. He
clamis to be back to set the futre right. Frax's Dragontron robot
threatenes the future. Alex tell Wed his fatehr will die and that
woudl take his place. Wes gave up his morpher to Alex. Alex is
hard on the teasm and seems to think they were fooling around too
much. He is cold even to Jen. The team began to become sick of his
harsh aittude. During a battle with Frax 's Dragontron ,the team
at Alex. Meanwhile, Wes learns that his father is proud of him for
making his own destiny.Wes decide to leave the family bussiness
again and jion his friends. Alex realizes the team needed Wes and
gave up his morpher. Wes led the team to vicotory over Doomtron. Alex
has Mr Collins healed with future Technolgy. He than returns to
the future ,
given the team his blessing.
Frax begin constructing his doomtron robot. Naderia helps Trip deliever
a baby and startes to question her hatred for humans. Frax is
captued by Ransik and tells Naderia to break the cycle of hatredl.
Ransik had hsi memory erased and him progeramed to serve
him. Frax piolts Doomtron in the city. Numeros time holes begin to
open. Wes forces the TF Rangers to return home.> Only he and Eric
were left to fight. In the future the others refuse to be mind whped
and decide to return to the past. Eric is badly wounded saving Mr.
and Wes. Wes takes his morpher to get extra power. Wes and his
reunited friends defeat the Doomtron and Frax, thus saving the
future. In a clamtict battle Ransik almost kills Nadiera. He decides to
turn himself in to end the cycle of hatred for good. Jen and Wess
admit there love for each other as the future Rangers are forced to
depart. Mr Collins agrees to make the Silver Gaurdians a free service.
Wes and a recovering Eric team up to lead the group.
For information on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers check out
the MMPR Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Zeo
the PRZ Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Turbo
the PRT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers In Space
the PRIS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
the PRLG Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lightspeed Recue
the PRLR Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Time Force check out
the PRTF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Wild Force
the PRWF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Ninja Storm
the PRNS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Dinothunder
the PRDT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta
the PRSPD Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Mystic Force
the PRMF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
the PROO Page.