The Turbo Power Rangers

A young man comes of age in a tribe. It is now time for Cole to joruney to the city to search for his birth parents ( he was abandoned in the jungle years prior). Cole journiesto the city in search of his parents, struggling to fit in. Meanwhile the Wild Force Rangers battle he Otgs. Princess Shayla says it was time for a fifth ranger to jon the team. Meawhile Jinrdzx and Toxica wait for the return of MasterOrg,. Cole is recruited to be the Red Wild Force Ranger and helps them to defat the latest Org threat.

Cole is destiend to be the leader, which didn't sit well with Taylor. The oth  rmembers of the team are Ayssa, Danny, a d Max. Soon,  Taylor acceptes Cole as the leader and as a friend.
Jindrax and Tocica met Mastet Org but are confused to why he seems different. Yet they serve him faithfully in gathering new Orgs for his army. The Rangers bond with the living Wild Zords that they used to form the Wild Force Megazord. Other Wild Zords were found tha provide attachement weapons to the Megazord.  Later forming other Megazords as well.

A  new msyterious Duke Ork named Zen"aku is awakened with Wild Zords of his own. The Wild Force Rangers are able to defeat him. They soon leanred that he is really one of the orginal worriers that defeat the org's 3,000 years ago. Hr was Shayla's bodyguardm Merrick. He put on the mask of Zen-aku to obtain the power fto defeat Master Org. Afte rthe battle is won he was cursed and turned into Zen-aku. The ancent worriers were forced to trap him. The Ranger helped Merrick break the curse. He soon is able to become the Lunar Wold Ranger. He refuses to socialize with the team and choosse to work a lone. 'He didn't even want to continue his relationship with Shayla, since he needed to focus on his mission.

Jindrax and Toxica find out that Master Org is really a human. They get turned intp slaves because of this. Cole finds out his parents; are legally dead. But refuses to give up searching for them. They never returned form an expedition in the jungle. Once Jundrx and Toxica become fre of Mster' Org's spell they go oin search for another ally.

Mute Otgs from the future arrive. The Time force team returinies to the present to help Wild Force defeat the Mute Orgs. Cole finds out Master Org is really Adler. He was friend of his parents who was in love with Cole's mother. Adler was jealous that Cole's father married ther. So he ate the seeds of Master Org on there expedition and murdered them. Cole defeats Adler but spares him in his powerless state. Jindrax and Toxica  retuttn with Genrral Org Mandlok and turns on Adler. Who is resurected as a full org ( but remains in hiding).

The Ranger befuriend a mysterious boy named Kite. He ends up being the human version of Animus. He testes the Ranger will by threatiing to pull from Earth. As a reward for their passing of teh test, he give Cole the Wild Force Rider.  He than departs, leaving the Rangers to defend the Earth.

Oinkage shows up at work  for Mandiloc. He allows Toxica to die as part of his plan. He ends up being an agent for Master Org and betrayes Mandilok. Mandilok is destoryed.  Oinkags is destoryed by the Rangers. Master Org abducts Shayla. Jindrax is able to resurect Toxica.  Thr two of them help the Rangers rescue Shayla  in hopes of defeating Master Org. Master Org uses Shayla' neckleace to reach his ultamate form. . He destorys all the Wild Zords and leaves the Rnagers powerless. The Rangers decide to face of agaisnt their enemy regardless. The Wild Zords return and Master Org is defeated for good. Cole is able to make peace with his parents and even left a flower at Adler's grave. The Ranger give back their powers and Shayla goes back into hibernation, untill the powers are  needed again. Cole dedicats his life to helping anmals. Taylor rejions the air focre. Danny and Max tour the world. Merrick endeavors to find his true path with Zen-Aku as his traveling cmpanion. Ayssa becomes a teacher.

For information on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers check out the MMPR Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Zeo the PRZ Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Turbo the PRT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers In Space  the PRIS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy the PRLG Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lightspeed Recue the PRLR Page.
For information on the  Power Rangers Time Force check out the PRTF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Wild Force the PRWF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Ninja Storm the PRNS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Dinothunder the PRDT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta the PRSPD Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Mystic Force the PRMF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive the PROO Page.

Kat Justin Tommy Tanya Adam
Katherine Justin Tommy Tanya Adam

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