the Zeo Power Rangers
Zeo Ranger Picture

When the Power Rangers' were transfomed into children and their Power Coins were destroyed, they needed to seek out a new source of power, the Zeo Crystal. Zordon sent each of the children Rangers into Earth's past to retrieve a part of the Zeo Crystal. When the crystal was brought together the Rangers were returned to their original ages. It seemed as if their were new hope, until a bomb planted by Goldar and Rito destroyed the Command Center. The Power Rangers were barely teleported out in time and the Zeo Crystal was lost.

It seemed as if Lord Zedd and Rita had finally won, but at this same time the Machine Empire launched its own attack against the Earth. Not wanting to compete with Zedd and Rita, they attacked them as well. During this time of chaos, the Rangers found the Zeo Crystal and a passage into the lower chambers of the Command Center. Zordon and Alpha 5 had taken precautions against such an event and were able to restore the Command Center. The Power Rangers were given Zeonizers, which used the power of the Zeo Crystal to transform the Rangers into The Power Rangers Zeo. Billy chose not to become Power Ranger again and instead decided to aid the Power Rangers in other ways. Tanya became the Rangers' newest member.

Rita and Zedd were driven off by the Machine Empire and the new The Power Rangers Zeo, prepared to face their new enemies. The Machine Empire commanded by King Mondo, his wife Queen Machina, and their son Prince Sprocket, posed quite a challenge to the Rangers. The odds turned against the Machine Empire, when Trey, the Gold Ranger appeared.

The Gold Ranger fought with the Power Rangers, until he was injured and was forced to transfer his Golden Powers to another. Jason, returned to claim the Golden Powers. The new team eventually destroyed Mondo, who was briefly replaced by Prince Gasketa Archerina. They fought against the Rangers until Mondo's return.

With new Villains to face, the Power Rangers are later infused with Turbo Power to face their next set of challenged.

For information on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers check out the MMPR Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Zeo the PRZ Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Turbo the PRT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers In Space  the PRIS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy the PRLG Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Lightspeed Recue the PRLR Page.
For information on the  Power Rangers Time Force check out the PRTF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Wild Force the PRWF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Ninja Storm the PRNS Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Dinothunder the PRDT Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta the PRSPD Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Mystic Force the PRMF Page.
For information on the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive the PROO Page.

The Rangers

Tommy Adam Rocky Tanya Kat Jason
Tommy - Adam - Rocky - Tanya - Katherine - Jason
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